These are set and enforced by the moderators.
Discrimination & Bigotry Won’t Be Tolerated. We're not a free speech absolutist. We're not interested in Nazis, TERFS, or hate speech.
Respect Other Users. This instance is meant to be a friendly, welcoming space to all who are willing to reciprocate in helping to create that environment.
Consent is Important in all contexts. If you’re ever unsure, ask first. Use content warnings (CWs) where required.
Listen; Don’t Make Excuses. If you’re accused of causing harm, either take some responsibility or ask moderators for help.
No Pedophilia or Zoophilia. This includes artistic depictions of characters that cannot give consent.
Members under the age of 18 are not permitted to post lewd, explicit, nsfw, or otherwise sexual content. This includes as original posts or in reply to other members, as well as boosting content of this type from their accounts.
No direct threats and incitement to violence. Expressing dissatisfaction is fine, but directly stating interest or intent to commit violent harm are not welcome on this server.
Use the Report Feature. Our moderators are here to listen and respond to reports.